Conversione dati


Conversione dati
  • In-Line USB Converter USOPTL4

    B+B SmartWorx's compact, isolated USB to RS-232 and USB to RS-422, and RS-485 converters allow the addition of an asynchronous serial port to a USB-only PC or other devices.

    By B+B SmartWorx, Inc. 352

  • Encore Current to Voltage Transducers

    Verivolt Encore is part of a family of current to voltage transducers designed to measure isolated and ground currents.

    By Verivolt 243

  • ADS79XX Serial Interface ADCs

    TI's ADS795X is a multichannel analog-to-digital converter family that include a capacitor based SAR A/D converter with inherent sample and hold.

    By Texas Instruments 470

  • DAC9881 18-Bit, Single-Channel, Digital-to-Analog

    Texas Instruments' DAC9881 single-channel, 18-bit, serial-input, voltage-output DACs are available in a 4 mm x 4 mm QFN-24 package.

    By Texas Instruments 456

  • ADC128D818 ADC System Monitor

    Texas Instruments' ADC128D818 I2C system monitor is designed for maximum flexibility and can be configured for single-ended and/or pseudo-differential inputs.

    By Texas Instruments 469

  • AD5755 / AD5755-1 / AD5757 DACs

    ADI's AD5755, AD5755-1, and AD5757 are quad, voltage and current output DACs that operate with a power supply range from −26.4 V to +33 V.

    By Analog Devices Inc 312

  • AD5780 Voltage Output DAC

    ADI's AD5780 is a true system-ready, 18-bit, unbuffered voltage out DAC that operates from a bipolar supply up to 33 V.

    By Analog Devices Inc 439

  • AD7988 Analog to Digital Converters

    ADI's AD7988-1 / AD7988-5 16-bit, successive approximation, ADCs operate from a single power supply, VDD.

    By Analog Devices Inc 391

  • A/D Converters

    Analog Devices' AD7608 and AD7609 are 18-bit, bi-polar, 8-channel, analog-to-digital Data Acquisition System (DAS).

    By Analog Devices Inc 441

  • AD9608/28/48 10-14-bit ADCs

    ADI's monolithic, dual-channel, 1.8 V supply, 105 MSPS/125 MSPS ADC features high performance sample-and-hold circuit and on-chop voltage reference.

    By Analog Devices Inc 343

  • LTC2369 Series SAR ADCs

    Linear Technology introduces the LTC2369-18, a serial 18-bit, 1.6 Msps pseudo-differential SAR analog-to-digital converter (ADC).

    By Analog Devices Inc 954

  • LTC2389-18 18-Bit, 2.5 MSPS SAR ADC

    Linear Technology's LTC2389-18 is a low noise, high speed 18-bit successive approximation register (SAR) ADC.

    By Analog Devices Inc 350

  • MCP3903 Six Channel Delta Sigma A/D Converter

    Microchip's MCP3903 6-channel analog front end with 16/24-bit delta-sigma A/D converters and internal programmable gain amps has programmable data rate up to 64 ksps.

    By Microchip Technology 363

  • MCP3911 Two-Channel Analog Front End

    Microchip's dual-channel AFE features two synchronous sampling 16/24-bit resolution ΔΣ A/D converters and an operating temperature range from -40°C to +125°C.

    By Microchip Technology 371

  • High Speed Converters

    As a leader in high performance mixed-signal IC products, NXP offers an extensive selection of high-speed data converters, with digital interfaces.

    By NXP Semiconductors 540

  • ADS5263 Evaluation Module

    TI’s ADS5263 EVM allows users to design custom filters, populate the EVM with related components, and verify performance within the EVM.

    By Texas Instruments 475

  • ADS6445 Analog-to-Digital Converter

    Texas Instruments’ ADS6445 ADC allows for high system integration density, improved SFDR performance, and enhanced DMS support.

    By Texas Instruments 729

  • AMC1204 Isolated Delta-Sigma Modulator

    AMC1204 modulators feature an input range that is optimized for shut resistors and a immunity to high electromagnetic fields.

    By Texas Instruments 462

  • ADS130E08 Precision ADC

    ADS130E08 16-bit ADC is multi-channel and simultaneous sampling, making it suitable for metering applications.

    By Texas Instruments 445

  • MAX7320

    Maxim's MAX7320 I²C port expander, available in 16-pin QSOP and 16-pin TQFN packages, features eight push-pull outputs with selectable power-up logic states.

    By Maxim Integrated 343
