uEZGUI-RX62N-35QT includes a 96 MHz Renesas RX621 or RX62N microcontroller running the open source µEZ® + FreeRTOS software platform.
By Future Designs, Inc. 344
FDI's serial to Wi-Fi adapter boards provides the means to evaluate the capabilities of GainSpan’s low power Wi-Fi modules and the serial to Wi-Fi embedded software.
By Future Designs, Inc. 487
SOMDIMM-RX62N provides a solution for implementing an RX600 based design by providing the basic functions necessary for a product on an easy to use SOMDIMM.
By Future Designs, Inc. 337
DK-43WQH-1788 is optimized to save development time in typical embedded control applications.
By Future Designs, Inc. 400
Future Designs' µEZ® GUI is a compact, highly integrated, LCD controller platform. The second in the family of µEZ GUI products, the µEZGUI-1788-70WVT has 8 MB of SDRAM and
By Future Designs, Inc. 215
FDI's ELI70-CR 7.0" cost effective commercial version featuring plug and play interface to standard SBCs such as BeagleBone Black or Raspberry Pi.
By Future Designs, Inc. 260
FDI's uEZ GUI unit uEZGUI-4088-43WQN is everything you need right out of the box to have a touch screen GUI instantly in your project.
By Future Designs, Inc. 263