TMD3782x Color Sensors

By ams 88

TMD3782x Color Sensors

ams' TMD3782x device provides red, green, blue, and clear (RGBC) light sensing and proximity detection. The devices detect light-intensity under a variety of lighting conditions and through a variety of attenuation materials, including dark glass. The proximity detection feature allows a large-dynamic range of operation for accurate distance detection, such as in a cell phone, for detecting when the user positions the phone close to their ear.

IR LED sink current is factory trimmed to provide consistent proximity response without requiring customer calibrations. An internal state machine provides the ability to put the device into a low-power state in-between proximity and RGBC measurements providing very-low-average power consumption. This data is transferred via an I2C to the host.

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  • Integrated RGB and proximity detection (including IR LED) in and optical module
  • Integrated UV and IR blocking filters
  • Calibrated 100 mm proximity detection distance
  • Circular segmented RGBC photodiodes
  • Single-device (module) reduces board space and design effort
  • Enables accurate color and ambient light and CCT sensing under varying-lighting conditions
  • Eliminates end-product factory calibration
  • Enables uniform angular response

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