AD8495/97 Full K-Type Range Thermocouple Amplifier

By Analog Devices Inc 261

AD8495/97 Full K-Type Range Thermocouple Amplifier

Analog Devices' AD8495 and AD8497 are precision instrumentation amplifiers with thermocouple cold junction compensators on an integrated circuit. They produce a high-level (5mV/°C) output directly from a thermocouple signal by combining an ice point reference with a pre-calibrated amplifier. They can be used as standalone thermometers or as switched output set point controllers, using a fixed or remote set point control. The AD8495 and AD8497 can be powered from a single-ended supply (less than 3V) and can measure temperatures below 0°C by offsetting the reference input. To minimize self-heating, an unloaded AD849x typically operates with a total supply current of 180µA. However, it is also capable of delivering in excess of ±5mA to a load.

Features Applications
  • Low cost and easy to use
  • Pre-trimmed for K-type thermocouples
  • Internal cold junction compensation
  • High impedance differential input
  • Standalone 5mV/°C thermometer
  • Reference pin allows offset adjustment
  • Thermocouple break detection
  • Low power: < 1mW at VS = 5V
  • Small, 8-lead MSOP
  • J- or K-type thermocouple temperature measurement
  • Set point controller
  • Celsius thermometer
  • Universal cold junction compensator
  • White goods (oven, stove top) temperature measurements
  • Exhaust gas temperature sensing
  • Catalytic converter temperature sensing

